Sunday, July 26, 2009


I am a crazed woman once again -- Yay! I love this place! Crazed. Passionate. Bold. But wait! I'll blog about that later!

As I sit here, I can hear the melodic hum of about 100 people or so out in my front yard. It's the Kastanefest. Last night I took pictures as twilight descended and people began gathering (around 10 PM in July). LeRoy and I planned to get the children to sleep and then slip out to the yard to visit. But we fell asleep to the background voices, the language foreign yet, by now, familiar, hip hop music and aromas of tobacco, BBQ meat, and beer wafting through our wide open windows, lulling us into deep sleep.
Remember, we live in the Village Gemeindehaus (German for Town Hall) which means... the party comes to us! smile.
At 2 AM I awoke momentarily as a child needing comfort nudged his way next to me for a hug. I glanced at the clock, assured my son that he was okay, and sent him back to his bed. Then I fell asleep again to the happy party -- this fest -- outside my windows.

This picture and the next were taken looking straight down from Israel's bedroom window.

Ahhh! I just love living here!!
Well, time for me to go out and mingle with my neighbors!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ok, now that is the stride I want to have. I always stand a little taller and walk with more grace when you tell me stories like this one. More, please.
