Sunday, June 28, 2009

This Day, Part II

Lots of energy with no productive outlet is a recipe for trouble. Thank You, Jesus, for a warm, sunny day!

"I don't waaannt to!" Ah! I didn't ask. The firm grasp of hands, careful tugging as heels dig in, a sister who mercifully carries the shoes just in case for when we get to the gravel part of the road.

"Can I have a ride, Eli?" Small boy who reminds me so much of my nephew, Kolby, rides atop my son's shoulders.

No lack of attention for Baby.

Gratitude in the forward motion. Attitudinal improvement with each step.

Opportunities for chivalry abound. Zeke tends to Sweet Baby the entire walk.

Nature's anaesthetic for moodiness. (Strong-willed boy decided to put shoes on, pursuing instead the adventure of the journey.)

This day of sweetness all round... fresh air, lunch of peanut butter and Nutella sandwiches resulting in the lethargy that leads to an afternoon nap.

"Building small islands..."

...and gourmet deli sandwiches.

Reading Girl spends most of her time either perusing our bookshelves, curled up in the corner with pages of words, or asking me questions that I have no answers for.

Baby faces.

"I'll take care, Mommy..." and she does. This girl of mine all responsibility and nurture...

"I don't waaannt to get dressed!" Sweet Boy, no worries. Day clothes are optional today. The moment awaits... let's get out there!

Sometimes, looking deep into the eyes of a child, you are conscious of meeting a glance full of wisdom. The child has known nothing yet but love and beauty -- all this piled-up world knowledge you have acquired is unguessed at by him. And yet you meet this wonderful look that tells you in a moment more than all the years of experience have seemed to teach.
~ Hildegarde Hawthorne

Gravity-defying joy...

This poetry found through doors to gardens,

...little dimpled fingers brushing rocks...

...curiosity, observance...
These reverant moments.
The art of pebbles.

Contagious delight.

"See, Baby? Say frog," the word said carefully,
clearly, so that Small One might imitate.

Girl talk.

My efforts at capturing the essence of little women.

Playing with tadpoles and frogs caught in the creek.
Tucking the children in later my Zae says, "Mom, I think we're a children and baby family..."
"We've had a lot of fun these past three days, haven't we?" I say as I kiss him on the forehead, him smelling of soap and dryer sheets.
These arrows. Brilliant. Strong-willed. Full of grace.
Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein. ~ Luke 18:17


  1. 44 hours and counting, then I get to hug those wonderful, beautiful, precious children for myself. I want to see the frogs and tadpoles. Love Grandma

  2. I make "grilled" peanut butter and nutella sandwiches so... I am clearly one step ahead of you! LOL Grlled pb&J are also a HUGE hit around this house... oh, laugh all you want... it's majic! You don't even know... bet food EVER!!! Love you!

  3. Sharon, Can you send me an email?

    Tamara H

  4. Oh, can I just come live with you for awhile? I want to be a children and baby family too.

    LOVE you guys!
