Thursday, May 21, 2009

Gibralter, UK

I learned something new quite recently... Remember the Prudential Insurance logo and ad? Their website reads, "Doing business with the strength of the Rock." Sometimes I heard people refer to the Rock in conversation. When I was growing up, I remember wondering about this "rock." Was it a legend or was it real? And if it was real, where in the world was it?

Today we got a grand tour of the Rock of Gibralter, learned about its history, the heritage of the people here, and then sat for a bit in the shade to have a little snack and -- of course -- a cup of coffee. What a delightful... and busy place!! All of sudden we have the strongest desire to visit England!

We're having the time of our lives! As always, we wish you were here. We're learning sooo much!

Sending our love to you from the UK -- Gibralter!


  1. I am loving vacationing with your family! I am looking forward to some pictures if you have any!

  2. I want a history lesson! I know you're a tad busy right now, so I'll wait patiently.

  3. OK, now I want to homeschool the way YOU do!! :) The world is your classroom. Thanks for sharing!
