Friday, December 26, 2008

A Gift For You

I spent today reading. And I'm so blessed that I wanted to pass on the blessing to you.

In the after-glow of the Christmas glitter, traditions, memory-making, and sugar-highs, I'm passing along 3 of my most favorite blogs. These are blogs that cause me to feel I've been invited over for a cup of hot tea and meandering conversation on an overstuffed couch with my stocking feet curled underneath me. These are blogs where I can imagine the smell of vanilla brown sugar candles burning. Calgon? Ah, no, my primary love language is quality time... long, leisurely, let-me-hear-your-heart-and-glean-inspiration-from-you connection. (I know, I'm a mooch... I need, I need, give me, give me, give me... inspiration!) Perhaps you too, will find refreshment for your soul and spirit at these sites:

Much love to you,


  1. Thanks for the compliment! We love being invited to sit in a cozy chair and bask in the warm refreshment of life here in your blog. My favorite thing about you Olsons is how completely YOU each of you are. None of this bland, boring, just making it through, take on life. You live life with the flare of a child completely absorbed in the moment at hand. And after all, isn't each individual moment our one paper-thin nudge into eternity?

  2. Imagine--I just found your blog today, and two of your three favorites are ones I already subscribe to and love as well!

    (Hi, Bethany!)

    Here's another one for you. She doesn't post often, but sit with a cup of tea and be blessed as you browse her archives.


  3. Hey! Thanks for the great compliment. I just found this post after a busy two weeks with family in Bellingham. I really enjoy your blog too and I really admire the life you are have created for your family - one full of love, rich experiances, and simple Christ-centeredness. Your kids are blessed to have a mom who lives life with such purpose. I see how intentional you are in the way you live and love and I am learning so much from you.

    God Bless! Love, your cousin - Cheri
