Wednesday, December 18, 2013


I awoke this morning with this thought, "It's Tuesday!  Wonderful, glorious Tuesday!  The perfect day to look for the miraculous!"  My morning proceeded to get a little crazy and after the clock's short hand circled a few times, I sighed deeply, contemplating the blur and the ordinariness of a day. Then, I read this,

"Tuesday is the most sensible day of the week. It is a perfectly ordinary, no-fuss, introverted day."  ~ Emily P. Freeman from Tuesdays Unwrapped at Chatting At the Sky

How perfectly romantic is that!  So, I spent my day embracing the beauty of the ordinary.  I took time to pause, to reflect, to daydream.  I read a book and took a 35-minute afternoon nap.  I laughed with my kiddos and listened to them tell me their big plans. 

I never did get around to thinking up dinner and so at the last minute I pulled together what I had on hand.  Nervously, I concocted a dish that, frankly, at least in appearance, didn't register high on the amazingness scale.  And yet... it was a hit!  I'm smiling as I sit here thinking, how did I make that sauce?  If I can manage to remember, I'll write it down.  The conversation around the table was lively, imaginative... the typical loud and crazy.  (Really, we get that it's not for everybody.)


This is one of those days that I'll smile about as I joyfully, thankfully climb under my bed covers with this thought: noticing the miraculous, loving the ordinariness in a day is so much fun, I think I'll do it again tomorrow...  


Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.  ~ Psalm 90:12

Linking today with Emily...

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