Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Burg Schönecken

March 21, 2009 ~

"Mom, I want to blog this one." His eyes met mine.

"You mean this weekend's adventures?" His half-smile confirmed it.

And so, let me proudly introduce my son Eli as editor of which pictures got posted and author of this one! Yay! Take it away, Son!

This is Isaiah and Chance. Behind is the Burg Schönecken that us and the Kerners hiked to. This castle is on the way to Prüm.

Isaiah is looking at rocks on the cave, Eli is picking out sticks for his adventure, and Chance is making his way up the hill to join us in our inspection, with Ezekiel not too far behind.

Eli climbed up the face of a small cliff, stood on a rock, and held his hands up in victory for scaling the cliff, and conquering the castle. "smile."

Leroy in the back, Isaiah, and Chance posing for a midway picture on our hike to the castle.

This is the castle at a side view.

After conquering the hike up the hill to the castle. The Kerners and us decided that we were not all tired and still up for more adventure. So we thought of another place we could go and we came up with the Wolf and Eagle Park. This is the castle where the Falcons, Eagles, Vultures, and owls are kept. And beyond the castle there are wolves and wild boar. This was about 20 more minutes away in the village of Kaßelburg, Pelm bei Gerolstein.

The Tower.

This was the leader of the pack of wolves. He sat in the back of the pack and looked out over them so he could see what was happening so he could watch over his pack.

The other tower. I wonder what it looked like in the old times when there was a siege and the enemy tried to scale the tower. Makes you think.

This is a picture of some of the wolves we saw. I'm guessing that there were probably 20 timber wolves.

I can't tell what this bird is but my guess is that it is the Harris Hawk. This was taken when of course it was in flight. It was very hard to get them in flight because they were so fast.

This is a small owl.

And we actully got a good picture of the owl in flight.

Well I hope you enjoyed my writing. And I may be doing some more.

Have a good day/night. And may you be filled with joy.

By: Eli Olson


  1. Alright, I eagerly await more posts by a new staff writer here on the Olson Blog. Great post, Eli! Wonderful, specific observation that made me feel like I was right there with you all, and also wonder what it must have been like there hundreds of years ago. Thanks!

  2. Great post from Eli. I also have an Eli.
    What an adventure you had! I would love to see castles like that.
