Monday, October 27, 2008

Oh! The Places We've Gone!

We head for home in a few minutes. What a weekend!! Garmisch, Germany (for a family retreat with Ministry to the Military... and a trip to Neuschwanstein Castle), then Aviano, Italy (to meet up with "family" from our home church in Spokane... and a day-trip to Venice).

Like I said, now we head for home... via Salzburg, Germany (c'mon everybody, join with me, "The hillllllllss are aLIVE... with the sound of muuuuuusiiic. Ahhhhh-ahhh-ah-ahhhhh!" Okay, maybe not).

Of course, I have so, so, so much to share along with a bjillion photos. (If I've said it once, I've said it a million times, Thank You, Jesus, for high-speed internet and the digital age!!)

We love you and we're thinking of you. (Yesterday, while in Venice, I did a double-take when I saw a woman who looked exactly like you, Lori M.! This made me wish all the more that you were with us...)


  1. Hi! It's Jess! I'm always here, reading along! I can't wait to read your thoughts about my hometown, Aviano! :) Much love to the entire Olson family! You are missed!

  2. Penny said Stacie was so happy about your visit :) How fun for you to do that!

  3. Oh, the jealousy! Did you hike the Partnachklamm in Garmisch? Did I tell you that Garmisch is my very favorite place on earth? Did anyone get pigeon-bombed in Venice? Did you go to Mozart's childhood home in Salzburg?

    Ok, I'm going to repent now.
